777 Charlie Official Teaser (Hindi) | Rakshit Shetty | Kiranraj K | Nobin Paul | Paramvah Studios

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777 Charlie Official Teaser (Hindi) | Rakshit Shetty | Kiranraj K | Nobin Paul | Paramvah Studios

Paramvah Studios

Here is the official teaser of the upcoming movie, a Paramvah Studios production, 777 Charlie starring Rakshit Shetty, Sangeetha Sringeri, Raj B Shetty, Bobby Simha and Danish Sait amongst others. The film is written and directed by Kiranraj K, produced by GS Gupta and Rakshit Shetty.

Life of Charlie is an endearing journey of a stray dog named Charlie into the protagonist Dharma's life. Both literally and metaphorically. She is full of life and naughty quirks and is set to win over every heart that comes her way, including Dharma's.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phVVLlEA4OE
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