A Second Chance [1991 (first) edition] The Story of a Near-Death Experience

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A Second Chance [1991 (first) edition] The Story of a Near-Death Experience


 A Second Chance [1991 (first) edition]

The Story of a Near-Death Experience

Death is the moment when mysterious forces act to determine our destiny. At a time when reincarnation is accepted, not only with the growing ranks of people reporting out-of-body and near-death experiences but with the public at large, A Second Chance shows us how we can use meditation and yoga to meet the challenge of death.

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Format: Paperback, 5.5" x 8.5", 8 color plates

Pages: 208

ISBN: 0-89213-271-X

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A Second Chance [1991 (first) edition]

A Second Chance [1991 (first) edition]

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